
Where we operate


Join For Water worked in Haiti from 1977 to mid-2024.

Haiti is located on the island of Hispaniola, next to the Dominican Republic. It is a poverty-stricken country, politically unstable and vulnerable to all kinds of natural disasters.

Climate change is causing more extreme weather phenomena such as a heavier rainfall and longer droughts. Hurricanes hit Haiti almost every year between June and November that are clearly gaining in intensity. The country is also located in an area where earthquakes occur regularly. Result: damage to water points, landslides and mudslides on already degraded slopes.

Pollution poses a serious threat to Haiti’s wetland ecosystems. There are several reasons for this: in the cities there is virtually no infrastructure for sewage or water treatment, waste is not collected, latrines are not systematically emptied …

Over the past decades, Haiti has experienced very rapid population growth, with agriculture and drinking water supply both unable to keep up.


More than 10 years later, certain regions have still not recovered from the consequences of the devastating earthquake in 2010


Only 50% of the population has access to safely managed drinking water
Haïti Nicolas Piervil ODRINO


We convince people to stop logging trees, and guide them to other economic activities.

Nicolas Piervil – Haïti

Join For Water is active in the catchment areas of the Denisse, the Catinette and the Moustiques. Climate change and environmental damage are threatening the sustainability of water resources, it is becoming increasingly difficult to access, especially in dry periods.

Land use in each of the catchments is similar, with predominantly herbaceous vegetation, lowland built-up areas, and scattered urban and forest areas. Pieces of mangrove forest are still present at the estuaries, but these are seriously under threat as a result of urbanisation and agriculture. However, mangrove forests are of enormous value: they protect the country against storms, floods and erosion.

The catchments themselves have been heavily affected by soil erosion and reduced water infiltration. The excessive exploitation of the groundwater layers also means that the salty seawater can more easily penetrate the underground water layer and contaminate the freshwater supplies.


Haïti weerstation
Thanks to the data from the meteorological station, farmers can better assess when it is best to sow a crop. (c) Join For Water


Join For Water and its partners strive to restore and protect ecosystems. Reforestation is an important part of this, and management committees must ensure that the reforested areas are maintained.

The Agribel Training Institute carries out research, collects knowledge and provides training on techniques in agroecology and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Environmental education is getting a lot of attention: there are training courses in agroecology and on the importance and restoration of mangroves. This awareness is aimed at the communities, management committees, schools and governments.

Join For Water can rely on its partner ODRINO for the restoration of drinking water systems, the construction of public latrines and the restoration of school latrines.

Citizens and organisations receive training in asserting their rights and in going through the relevant authorities for the protection of water resources.


Wat al voorafging

Haiti is the first country Join For Water was active in. Initially, the focus was on combating poverty and food insecurity. Sustainable, fair and active management of water resources and sanitation was the guiding principle. Some regions where Join For Water carried out work: the north (Cap Haïtien), northwest (basin of the river Moustiques), Central Plateau (Saut d’Eau and Belladère), Artibonite (Terre-Neuve) and the south (Camp Perrin), the urban areas in Cap Haitien and Port-au-Prince.

Water for agriculture also was given a lot of attention, for example with the food security program, located centrally in Croix Fer.

In the catchment basin in the Moustiques and the smaller catchment areas of its tributaries, the approach has always been, and still is, integrated water management, which takes into account all users in the catchment and ensures that future generations can continue to enjoy the water.



With the financial support of:

Provincie Vlaams Brabant


De weg naar erkenning als beschermd gebied

Het daadwerkelijk beschermen en herstellen van ecosystemen is een kernactiviteit voor Join For Water en zijn partners. Maar pleitbezorging bij organisaties en overheden rond dit thema is al net zo belangrijk. In Haïti werkt Join For Water daarom samen met AGRIBEL en GAFE.

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"We kunnen ons zelfs geen kommetje bonen veroorloven"

De situatie in Haïti is al enkele maanden oververhit. In de grote steden demonstreren woedende mensen die overgeleverd zijn aan onveiligheid en de brandstofcrisis die nu al bijna twee maanden duurt. De economische activiteiten en het sociaal leven zijn stilgevallen.

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Tipa Tipa, met kleine stappen vooruit

De mensen uit een situatie van voedselonzekerheid en honger halen, dat is geen gemakkelijke opdracht. In het noordwestelijke departement van Haïti treft voedselonzekerheid 57,7% van de mensen, dat ligt ver boven het nationaal gemiddelde van 45%. Join For Water werkt er met de steun van de Europese Unie aan een structurele oplossing. Action contra la Faim is onze partner op het terrein.

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