Join For Water continues to work on expanding the drinking water infrastructure in the districts of Bunia and on the professionalisation of the management thereof. CIDRI has been our experienced partner in this field since 1989.
We update the development plans for the catchment areas and work with local organisations to advocate for resource and river protection and sustainable use of water and land.
Join For Water engages in agroforestry with farmers and protects source areas by planting native tree species. The students are given environmental education in the schools.
Riverbanks are protected and areas of forest restored or protected, in order to optimise their role as an ecosystem. Sustainable exploitation of the rainforest and construction of drinking water infrastructure are also essential components of the activities in Tshopo and Kwilu, respectively with partner Tropenbos RDC and Faja Lobi.
Join For Water publishes research and experiences on aquatic ecosystems, resource use, protection of rights… BOS+ is an important partner in this.
What preceded
Join For Water has been active in DR Congo since 1982. The choice fell on the northeast, on the province of Ituri. Drinking water supply is a national right, but areas far from the capital are in danger of being left out. CIDRI, the Center de l’Initiation au Développement Rural de l’Ituri, was created in 1984, which is still the partner of Join For Water. Together we built more than 10 large drinking water systems in Ituri, the majority of which are still functioning.
Gradually, good management of the systems became the focus. Drinking water committees, made up of users, are responsible for inspection and repairs, for collecting the contributions and representing the users.
Between 2003 and 2008, Join For Water also worked in the Kivu region. Local NGOs shared knowledge and experience to improve the quality of infrastructure, protect water resources and provide better services to the population. Due to the poor security situation, Join For Water had to leave the zone.