SAGE – short for Structure d’appui à la gestion de l’eau – is an umbrella management structure that was created and officially recognised at the impulse of Join For Water and CIDRI. This umbrella organisation grew out of local civil society and has 13 member drinking water committees, all from ITURI. SAGE provides technical and administrative support to its member drinking water management committees. SAGE also represents them with public authorities and defends the interests of water users.
Some of the activities of SAGE include:
- sharing experiences with other organisations on water management;
- strengthening the capacity of members in administrative, financial and technical management;
- raising the awareness of other committees to join SAGE;
- run the spare parts depot;
- carry out minor works to improve the infrastructure;
- maintaining and strengthening relations with public services.
As a partner of Join For Water, SAGE continues to support and train the drinking water committees. In cooperation with other partners and actors, SAGE carries out advocacy work related to the protection and conservation of water resources.

Created in 2018
Partner ofJoin For Water since 2018