
Support with your company

The support from businesses helps us take huge steps forward.

Climate change, pollution, rising consumption… Freshwater supplies are under pressure worldwide. More and more companies are taking action and investing in water for people and nature.

Financial benefit

Your corporate donation is tax deductible through the corporate tax program.

75,000 football pitches

is the total area of freshwater ecosystems that your company helps to protect every year.

100,000 people

annually reap the benefits of protected and restored ecosystems or gain sustainable access to water.

(c) Joseph Muhumuza


Join For Water and De Watergroep join forces within a global and sustainable story of water today and for the generation of tomorrow.

Kathleen De Schepper, Director of External Relations De Watergroep
Read this testimonial

Some of our water projects:

A climate issue on a national border

Better access to drinking water in a fast-growing city

Mangrove restoration for ecological resilience

Our financial management

Your donation is well spent. Please find our annual reports under 'Publications'.

Your administration

If you wish, we will provide you with a debit note for your accounts. In the month of March of the following year you will receive a tax certificate.

This website is 100% secure. All bank details to process the payment are encrypted via the SSL protocol.

Join us!

Jasmine Kestens is responsible for partnerships with companies. Feel free to contact us to discuss a collaboration.

Your support is important.

Water-rich ecosystems require urgent restoration and protection. In addition, there are still millions of people who do not have access to clean water. Discover why our work and your support are important.

Discover why


Your corporate donation is welcome on account number BE22 5230 8036 1747, Join For Water. If you wish, we will provide you with a debit note for your accounts. In the month of March of the following year you will receive a letter of notice or tax certificate.

Collaboration? Jasmine Kestens is responsible for setting up partnerships with companies. Feel free to contact us to discuss a potential partnership:

Join For Water is looking for partners who want to support us in guaranteeing the right to water for people and nature alike. Both one-off donations and long-term collaborations are possible. Structural cooperation offers Join For Water more long-term perspective and certainty. We can also check whether your company could support us with specific knowledge or expertise, in addition to offering financial support.

Please contact Jasmine Kestens at

Join For Water works together with companies from all sectors, large and small, from Belgium and abroad. We receive interest in the subject of water from all types of companies. Water is an essential resource for everyone.

A lot of companies base their sustainability strategy or their CSR policy on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Join For Water is the only NGO in Belgium that focuses on SDG 6, “Ensure access to and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. This goal is very closely linked to other development goals such as the fight against poverty and hunger, and the objectives surrounding health, gender equality, education, climate action, life on land, aquatic life, and partnerships. By supporting the objectives Join For Water pursues, your company is also contributing to the other SDGs.

By supporting initiatives such as protecting and restoring forest and wetlands in our partner countries, you are also balancing out CO2 emissions.

Join For Water guarantees water for people and nature alike, today, as well as tomorrow. We operate in 9 countries, together with various different partners.

We tackle challenges at the source: resilient freshwater ecosystems form the basis for the right to water. We depend on them, for our drinking water, water for agriculture and food. They also offer protection against floods and droughts.

Sustainable access to water is not guaranteed everywhere. Those who do not have access to water do not find a way out of poverty. Whoever has clean water can go to school, be healthier and earn a better living.

The deterioration of water-rich ecosystems is a major cause for the lack of water. Deforestation leads to drying up of the soil, swamps are drained, pollution reduces the water quality. Climate change also brings nature out of balance, which results in a global water crisis. Moreover, rich countries, through their enormous consumption, are seizing freshwater resources, including in low-income countries.

Together with partners in Africa, Latin America and Belgium, we are working towards solutions. We protect and strengthen endangered ecosystems, we give access to water, we learn from each other, we influence government policy surrounding water and create awareness among the public as well as businesses.

Everyone has the right to water.

Here you can read more about our approach and history.