

OAP – Organisation d’Appui à l’auto-Promotion – is active in four areas: 1) sensitisation; 2) local governance and decentralisation; 3) local economic development and 4) access to basic high-quality social services.

The OAP animators train the members of local (farmers’) organisations about good governance and democratic leadership. They encourage people to take up their role in the community and women receive courses in literacy. A great deal of attention is also spent on social cohesion and conflict management.

OAP trains administrative staff in accountability, good governance and management of public goods. OAP supports the local community in developing projects, their follow-up and financing.

OAP works with farmers on maintaining soil fertility, use of improved seeds and varieties, better rainwater harvesting, construction of micro-dams for irrigation in the hills, proper storage of agricultural produce, etc. All this allows production to grow and farmers to earn extra income.

Access to quality basic services: education (infrastructure support), health care, drinking water and access to markets for products, such as road and bridge works.  OAP supports the communities so that they can exercise their rights.

In the partnership with Join For Water, OAP works specifically around:

  • Supporting households and producer organisations in the use of good agricultural practices that reduce the pollution of water resources and promote greater resilience to climate change. Cassava and sweet potato, for example, are grown in smaller gardens that are easy to irrigate.
  • Supporting communities in ecosystem restoration techniques;
  • Working to raise awareness and influence on water policy through advocacy.
Burundi OAP partner
OAP is active in many areas, both in building infrastructure and in managing it properly.

Created in 1993

Partner of Join For Water since 2022, and before that from 2011-2015
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