Greening Burundi is an environmental organisation for young Burundians who voluntarily commit themselves to the environment. They work actively on sustainable development and set up environmental education programmes in schools and in their communities.
Greening Burundi works with local communities in Burundi on reforestation of deforested areas with fast-growing tree species and the system of agroforestry, which combines agricultural crops with trees or shrubs. Farmers receive seedlings, training and support for their restoration efforts.
The organisation also wants to improve ecosystem services around water by better protecting source areas. To reduce erosion, Greening Burundi constructs infiltration trenches for irrigation and to prevent flooding. Greening Burundi produces an ecological fertiliser made from waste.
The organisation brings the population together every Thursday to exchange knowledge and information on environmental protection and thus increase awareness among the population.
As a partner of Join For Water, Greening Burundi is actively engaged in the creation of tree nurseries with indigenous species; the planting of saplings, as a tool to protect water resources and as an anti-erosion measure; the planting of fruit trees as a means against food insecurity; raising awareness of the environmental challenges to move towards behavioural change; organising environmental days in schools.

Created in 2017
Partner of Join For Water since 2022
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