

More Islands of Hope in 2025

From TINA to TAMARA: More Islands of Hope in 2025!

Do you recognize that stifling feeling when only one solution—often bleak—is offered for the world’s biggest challenges? The infamous TINA: There Is No Alternative.

Inevitable solutions or hopeful alternatives?

We’re told attention only comes with harsh, aggressive communication. Wars supposedly end only with mountains of weapons and troops, lingering long after the conflict.

Fighting climate change? Too expensive. So, we’re expected to live with the consequences—or hope others do (in Mozambique, Valencia, Los Angeles…).

Our economic model seems untouchable: without GDP and productivity growth, nothing works.

These so-called “inevitable solutions” always have victims. But Join For Water proves that alternatives exist—through small-scale, impactful water and environmental projects.

Small worlds, big impact

We create spaces where:

  • Everyone has a voice, especially those often overlooked—women, the extremely poor, and future generations.
  • Communities across borders work together to manage shared water sustainably and rise above conflicts.
  • Vulnerable ecosystems like the Amazon and Congo Basin are protected to secure freshwater for people and nature.
  • Young people understand that affordable, accessible water isn’t a given—it’s a right, not a privilege.

TAMARA: There Are Many Alternatives, Ready and Available

In our projects, in both partner countries and Belgium, we show that another way is possible. Even in 2025, many alternatives exist—ready to be scaled and replicated.

We reject TINA and embrace TAMARA: There Are Many Alternatives, Ready and Available!

These are islands of hope that we grow and connect.

Will you join us in becoming or staying an island of change in 2025?

Discover how collaboration with local communities and governments protects water resources and promotes sustainable use worldwide.