

Annual report 2022

(c) Céline Jacmain

Join For Water’s annual report is online. In 2022, we continued to work on improving access to water, and better management. It was also the first year in which we put into practice our new strategy around protection and conservation of freshwater resources.

>>> Read the annual report.

Starting in 2022, Join For Water is paying even more attention to nature and the protection of freshwater resources. We mainly focus on forests, swamps or wetlands, mangroves and rivers. But ecosystems are not well-delineated zones, because where does a wetland, for example, begin and end? Especially important is to know what services  a wetland ecosystem provide and how it is influences the well-being of local residents.

You’ll find in the annual report stories and experiences from each of our partner countries about preparations with partners, our activities, working on water awareness …

For example, Leidi from Ecuador says, “The most important lesson is that we are all responsible to be good stewards of our water, and I want to carry that message myself to all the people I work with.”

Fednert from Haiti outlines how the population has become more aware of how important ecosystems are: “The mangrove is pretty much our biggest resource: we get our food from it like fish and crabs. Fishing is also our main source of income. The mangrove also protects us from severe weather conditions such as floods and strong winds.”

In addition to contributions from Benin, Mali, Burundi, Uganda, DR Congo, Haiti, Ecuador, Peru and Belgium, you will also find an overview of our partners and our organization’s financial results for 2022.