CREDEL – short for Centre Recherche Expertise pour Développement Local – is a local development organisation that focuses on the most vulnerable groups of the population, such as women and the elderly. CREDEL is active in natural resource management, in environmental conservation, in managing climate change and its associated risks.
As a partner of Join for Water, CREDEL will work to restore and improve water-related ecosystem services in the municipalities of Adjohoun, Dangbo and Aguégués, and Athiémé. The latter municipality is located in the department of Mono, while the other municipalities belong to the department of Ouémé. Both departments lie in the south-west of Benin and are named after their main rivers, the Mono and Ouémé. In Athiémé, CREDEL will also supervise activities related to water for use in agriculture. Specifically for grassroots participation and advocacy, CREDEL will set up local management groups.

Created in 2005
Partner of Join For Water since 2022
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