

Social-Ecological Resilience approach in international cooperation

The Belgian  network SECORES recently published its views on the added value of the Social-Ecological Resilience-approach in international cooperation in a 4-page document.

This 4-pager discusses the link between Social-Ecological Resilience (SER) and the sustainable development paradigm and describes what the added value of the SER-approach is in international cooperation offering strategic guidance at organisational or project level. To put SER into practice, 5 key questions are considered:

  • Scope (resilience of what?)
  • Objective (resilience to what end?)
  • Target audience (resilience for whom?)
  • Disturbances (resilience to what?)
  • Approach (resilience through what?)

Two hypothetical examples describe how the SER-approach could look like.

Read the document.


Join For Water is a founding and a lead member of SECORES, the Belgian Network on Social-Ecological Resilience.  The 5 other members are BOS+, CEBioS, VIA Don Bosco, WWF Belgium and Uni4Coop. This network aims at

    • improving knowledge of social-ecological resilience via learning and exchanging;
    • putting our theme higher on political agendas via advocacy and dialogue;
    • stimulating synergies between interested actors.