Join For Water recently released a new publication entitled Collective action for resilient water resources.
Teams from the countries where Join For Water operates collected good examples and successful projects they worked on with partners. Innovation solutions provided by nature itself, and solutions based on nature and human rights, are the starting point of all these projects. The publication contains links to web pages where these projects are presented in more detail.
Freshwater ecosystems
Freshwater ecosystems are natural water filters, improving water quality by retaining pollutants and sediments, and contributing to biodiversity and regulating the water cycle. Moreover, they help reduce floods and droughts and provide a stable water supply for humans. It is necessary to protect these ecosystems if they are to continue to fulfil their functions.
Nature-based solutions
Our publication shows solutions that use natural processes to protect people and nature. For example, well-maintained mangroves can capture excess water during floods or protected wetlands buffer a supply of water for drier periods.
Rights-based solutions
Healthy freshwater ecosystems, such as rivers and wetlands, are also crucial for ensuring human rights, including the right to water and a sustainable environment.
Solutions to this end include measures that enable inclusive and responsible water management, strengthening institutional frameworks and training to promote active involvement of different groups of citizens.
Collective action and cooperation
The solutions we propose came about in collaboration with Join For Water’s many partners, such as civil society organisations, farmers’ organisations, decentralised governments and other NGOs.
Together, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to clean water and a healthy environment. We hope this publication provides inspiration for that.