

A remarkable presence of almost 50 years

Farewell to Haiti

In 2024, Join For Water ended operations in Haiti, where we had been active since 1977. Haiti is the country where it all started for us.  Many of the strategies we apply in other countries today are rooted in the experience we gained in Haiti.

Great need, limited answers

Our interventions always focus on sustainability and local ownership. In recent years in Haiti, we have been faced with increasing insecurity and the consequences of emigration – an understandable phenomenon in the current context. We believe that we  no longer work efficiently and that our approach does not adequately respond to the problems of the Haitian people, no matter how great the need.

From literacy projects to integrated water resources management

Over the  of almost 50 years, we have evolved considerably. Initially, we were active in several sectors. We supported literacy projects, construction of houses in the slums, construction of grain silos, promotion of fish ponds…. Drinking water supply also featured prominently from the early years. The project in Hinche was the forerunner of many other drinking water projects, mainly in the Central Plateau, but also beyond, such as in Marceline in the South Department, or in Poste Metier in North-West Department

(c) Dieter Telemans

Often, we also worked on improving irrigated agricultural zones as, for example, in the municipality of Belladère. From these experiences grew our approach to integrated water resources management and the protection of water resources. Our long-standing operation in the Moustiques river basin, North-West department, is a very good example.

Key role in the water sector

In order not to let this rich wealth of experience go to waste, we asked the Haitian PROGEST to make a qualitative assessment of our presence in the country as an international NGO. The aim was not to make a complete inventory of our projects, but to find out how other players in Haiti appreciated our presence/interventions and to share with us some lessons from the past.

The study “Plus de 45 ans dans Haiti” shows that our activities have made a significant difference to many Haitians and that we have been able to contribute to the improvement of the water sector in various ways. Whether through concrete projects, training capable people or encouraging reforms in the water sector.

In the report, PROGEST underlines that our consistent choice of the water sector made us a key player in the water sector. Our strength consisted of:

  • cooperation with actors from both civil society and government;
  • our focus on the technical aspects and the social aspects;
  • the importance of participation;
  • the guidance that was there not only during the realisation of the projects but also afterwards so that local communities are able to take up management
  • taking into account the culture and mentality.

Mixed feelings

We have to leave the country with mixed feelings. It is not easy to say goodbye to Haiti after such a long time, but we are proud of what we have achieved together with our Haitian partners and people. The many testimonies in this study show that we have really shifted a stone in the river.


Read Plus de 45 ans dans Haïti – Une appréciation qualitative des actions de Join For Water (French, 44 p.)


” PROTOS shared knowledge about the systems, the locations of key structures, how they work, etc. It suggested tools to analyse the situation and make decisions. It taught people how to organise themselves (water committees), how to mobilise communities (general assemblies, accountability) to manage a common good. – Testimony of Jean Hughes, former CPH steering committee member

Pictures: Join For Water and partners

Haïti Lac Verger
Haïti landschap Moustiques
Haïti irrigatie Davilmard
Haïti irrigatie Paulin Lacorne
Haïti De vrouwen in Paskatabwa